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Pet Immigration Rules Ukraine


The Ukraine does not quarantine healthy pets entering from a country with a low incidence of rabiessuch as the US, Canada or the EU.

Your pet must be current on all inoculations and the rabies vaccination must have been given at least 30 days prior to travel into the Ukraine. Pets must have a Ukraine International Health Certificateattesting to the animals good health.

 Dogs should be immunized annually against distemper, rabies, hepatitis, parvovirus, leptospirosis and Parainfluenza

If you transit Germany enroute to the Ukraine then no other documents are required. If you enter Germany even for a few hours then you will need the Germany Annex II form.

Upon arrival in the Ukraine your pet will be inspected at the airport. There is a fee for this service. 

Click Here for Pet Passport Forms for Ukraine 

Failure to comply with these regulations will mean that your pet may be refused entry and the relevant authority in consultation with an authorized veterinarian can decide to return the pet home, or place the pet in quarantine at the expense of the owner or natural person responsible for pet, or as a last resort, without financial compensation, put the pet down where the return trip home or quarantine cannot be arranged.

All other pets (birds, invertebrates, tropical fish, reptiles, amphibia, mammals such as rodents and rabbits) are not subject to the regulations in respect of the anti-rabies vaccination but may have to meet other requirements as to a limit on the number of animals and a certificate to accompany them in respect of other diseases. Pet owners are strongly advised to seek further information from the relevant authority of their country and/or that of the country of destination.

All countries have a unique veterinary certificates. This form differs from the International Veterinary Certificate issued by veterinarians in the United States. (APHIS 7001) 

Find Veterinary Certificates for countries worldwide. 

Although Ukraine does not require an ISO pet microchip, we strongly suggest microchipping your pet prior to traveling. 

Everything essential for traveling with a pet can be found at PetTravelStore.com.


Customs and Import Requirements for People and Pet Travel Between Countries and Regions
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