К основному контенту

Bringing Cats and Dogs (and other pets) to Australia

All cats and dogs being imported to Australia, whether it be for the first time or returning, must meet the standard DAFF import conditions.
Different DAFF import conditions apply for the importation of disability assistance dogs.

Byford Animal Quarantine Station accommodation availability
Due to the size of the station and the limited number of cat and dog pens available, the Byford (Perth, Western Australia) Animal Quarantine Station may not be able to accommodate your pet on your chosen dates. DAFF Biosecurity recommends contacting the Byford Animal Quarantine Station to confirm accommodation availability before booking your travel arrangements. However, this does not guarantee you a booking, this will only be an indication of when accommodation is available at the time you make your inquiry.

Proposed changes to cat and dog import policy

Date this alert was on the Cats and Dogs homepage: 26 July 2012 - 25 September 2012
Alert conditions still apply unless otherwise notified.

DAFF Biosecurity is reviewing the policy that determines the import conditions for cats and dogs coming to Australia. The draft policy has now been released for public comment.

 The review focuses on the exotic pest and disease risks associated with the import of cats and dogs. The review is based on rigorous scientific analysis and international experience regarding biosecurity measures including the use of rabies vaccination, approved treatments and laboratory testing. The proposed changes to the policy will support DAFF Biosecurity’s move to a risk-based approach for managing Australia’s biosecurity system.

 Among other changes, the draft policy review proposes a reduced quarantine period for cats and dogs when they arrive in Australia.

 All comments will be considered carefully before any changes to import conditions are introduced. When the new policy is finalised, an implementation date will be announced. In the meantime, the current import conditions will apply.

Byford Animal Quarantine Station accommodation availability

Date this alert was on the Cats and Dogs homepage: 27 June 2012 - Current
Alert conditions still apply unless otherwise notified.
Due to the size of the station and the limited number of cat and dog pens available, the Byford (Perth, Western Australia) Animal Quarantine Station may not be able to accommodate your pet on your chosen dates. DAFF Biosecurity recommends contacting the Byford Animal Quarantine Station to confirm accommodation availability before booking your travel arrangements. However, this does not guarantee you a booking, this will only be an indication of when accommodation is available at the time you make your inquiry.

Dogs require Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccination

Date this alert was on the Cats and Dogs homepage: 17 January 2012 - Current
Alert conditions still apply unless otherwise notified.
As of 1 March 2012, all import permits for dogs will be issued with a condition that vaccination for Bordetella bronchiseptica (kennel cough) is mandatory.

Rabies vaccination requirements for UK, Malta, Republic of Ireland, and Sweden

Date this alert was on the Cats and Dogs homepage: 19 September 2011 - 16 January 2012
Alert conditions still apply unless otherwise notified.
From 1 January 2012, cats and dogs from the UK, Malta, Republic of Ireland, and Sweden will be required to have a rabies vaccination and rabies titre test prior to entry into Australia.
For specific details, please refer to the Information Package 4 - Quarantine requirements for the importation of cats and dogs from AQIS approved countries in which rabies is absent or well controlled.

Rabies vaccination requirements for Cyprus

Date this alert was on the Cats and Dogs homepage: 19 September 2011 - 23 November 2011
Alert conditions still apply unless otherwise notified.
Effective immediately, cats and dogs from Cyprus are required to have a rabies vaccination and rabies titre test prior to entry into Australia.

Changes to booking and invoicing

Date this alert was on the Cats and Dogs homepage: 25 August 2011 - 16 March 2012
Alert conditions still apply unless otherwise notified.
Please be aware, due to change in departmental policy, from 1 February 2012, payment for quarantine accommodation for your animal/s will be due at the time of making a booking at your chosen quarantine station. Fees are subject to change without notice. It is the responsibility of the client to regularly visit the AQIS website for information on updates or amendments to AQIS fees.

Changes to Booking and Invoicing Processes:
- The new booking and pre payment system is scheduled to be implemented on 1 February 2012.
- There will be no change to current payment processes
- A tentative booking will only be taken against valid Import Permit/s.
- An invoice will be created for set fees at the time of making the tentative booking.
- A tentative booking will only be confirmed when payment is receipted for this invoice.
- Approval to uplift will only be granted to animals with a confirmed booking.
- A second invoice for variable expenses will be generated during the quarantine period
- The second invoice must be paid prior to release of your cat/s and/or dog/s
The first (set fee) invoice includes AQIS veterinary inspections, document assessment and the daily rate for quarantine accommodation. These fees are the set minimum charges that can be calculated for your animal/s quarantine period.
The second (variable expenses) invoice includes the airline handling fees, parasite treatment (if required), additional days in quarantine or any other third party expenses incurred during the quarantine period. This second invoice will need to be paid in full prior to release of your animal/s from the quarantine facility.
If circumstances change during the quarantine period, AQIS can issue refunds or additional invoices to clients.

For more information contact:

DAFF Live Animal Imports

GPO Box 858
Canberra ACT 2601
Phone:             +61 2 6272 4454 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +61 2 6272 4454      end_of_the_skype_highlighting      
Fax: +61 2 6272 3110
Email: Animal Imports

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