К основному контенту

What is a mammal?

To identify an animal as a mammal, it should have these characteristics:

  • Mammals have a backbone. They are vertebrates.
  • All mammals are warm-blooded. They can regulate their body temperature.
  • Female mammals produce milk to nourish their young
  • Almost all mammals give birth to live young (except for the platypus and echidna)
  • Mammals have hair.

Some common mammals are rodents, deer, whales, bears, dogs, elephants, bats, lions, monkeys and humans!

How are Mammals Doing Worldwide and in the United States?
Scientists have identified over 5,400 mammal species on Earth. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 21% of mammals worldwide are known to be threatened or extinct. One of the most threatened order of mammals is the primates, which includes gorillas and monkeys. Over 49 percent of the 414 species of primate are threatened or endangered.
The United States has over 410 mammal species. Of those mammals, over 80 species are listed on the Endangered Species List. A few of the mammals on the Endangered Species List are the grizzly bear, jaguar, humpback whale and the ocelot.
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