К основному контенту



Type including:Body shape, size, bone structure,
length and thickness of legs,
length of tail, etc.
20 points 
Head including:
General shape of head, breadth and size of nose, whiskers, face, dentition, size and set of ears, size and shape of eyes, etc.
30 points 
Eye Colour
10 points 
Pattern and Colour of Coat
25 points 
Coat Texture
10 points 
5 points 
100 points


The following description and 50 points from the Scale of Points are valid for all varieties of British Shorthairs. The remaining 50 points are divided between the colour/pattern of the coat, eye colour and condition, according to each variety.
Large to medium in size, muscular; broad chest; shoulders and back strong and solid. Legs short and strong, feet round and firm. Tail short and thick, slightly rounded at the tip.
HeadRound and massive with broad skull, set on a very strong and well-developed neck which is short. Strong chin; nose short, broad and straight with a slight indentation but not a stop. Ears small and set wide apart, slightly rounded at the tips. Eyes large, round, well opened and set wide apart. Withhold challenge for pronounced whisker pads.
CoatShort: crisp and dense, fine texture, not lying flat and with a good undercoat. Every hair should be uniform in colour to the roots except in tabby and silver varieties.
ConditionWell groomed and presented.

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