Here's a cat food recipe. There are a few things I don't include. I don't think it's necessary to have eggs. But the most important ingredient is Taurine. Don't skip Taurine.
You can also substitute chicken for quail. Cats love quail. After making a big batch you can freeze it all in small ziplock bags in serving quantity.
It's also very important that you don't by chicken or meet that's already ground or minced. You must do it yourself with a machine. Because the meet is served raw, you want to reduce the amount of bacteria. Ground meet is too dangerous to serve raw because it is usually contaminated with bacteria. Make sure to wash and clean the meet before processing it as well.
Приглашаю кошко-собако-любителей и не только. Буду рада вашим комментариям и обсуждениям в интересующих темах! Если есть желание и возможность, то поделитесь своими знаниями и опытом, разместив статью по тематике блога!You can also substitute chicken for quail. Cats love quail. After making a big batch you can freeze it all in small ziplock bags in serving quantity.
It's also very important that you don't by chicken or meet that's already ground or minced. You must do it yourself with a machine. Because the meet is served raw, you want to reduce the amount of bacteria. Ground meet is too dangerous to serve raw because it is usually contaminated with bacteria. Make sure to wash and clean the meet before processing it as well.
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